Does CBD Reduce Inflammation or Just Pain?

It is no secret that CBD oil and other CBD products have had a significant impact on society as the years have gone on.

This is not just in relation to the people who use it and claim that it helps them with chronic pain management as well as pain relief, but, it has sparked many conversations with a whole range of people about how its presence in this day and age has opened up a dialogue about alternative medications and their pain-relieving effects on those that are suffering.

If you are curious to learn more about the benefits of CBD to help treat pain as well as inflammation, then read on to know more about what areas it can be supportive in and what they can mean for the medical field along the way.

What are different CBD Compounds?

Unless you have been under a rock for the past decade, you would have seen the uptake in people turning to alternative medicines to help them with certain ailments, whether that be bettering their mental health or helping them relieve chronic pain.

You will also have noticed that the cannabis plant and its derivatives of it have grown in popularity with CBD being one of them that takes the lead. Most CBD comes from industrial hemp which has a higher CBD content than marijuana.

It does not normally contain THC which is the psychoactive compound of marijuana, however, there are a variety of strengths out there for people to try.

It can be seen as a safe alternative to taking cannabis, however, you can get marijuana-derived CBD products and CBD combined products depending on what you are needing it for.

Given the variety of cannabis products available and the various online dispensaries that sell them, it is crucial to thoroughly research before making a purchase. To simplify your decision-making process, you can research the pros and cons of different cannabis compounds, read informative dispensary comparison articles (click here to learn more about one such article), and consult with your doctor for their recommendation. By following this approach, you will not only obtain the appropriate product but also the product will come from a reputable and trusted supplier.

What Are The Effects of CBD on The Body?

Whilst it may not produce a high in the body as THC does, it can influence the endocannabinoids in the body a lot more effectively.

It has been known to increase anandamide in the body which is a compound that regulates pain. This can relieve pain and improve the mood of those who are dealing with their pain.

It has also been known to limit inflammation in the body through the brain and nervous system. This can have an impact on pain and other issues that have come along with the pain such as lack of sleep and immune system responses.

What Are The Benefits of CBD?

As you can read, CBD has an impact on both inflammation and pain relief, however, it is important to note that whilst these have been felt by people and they have said what specifically has helped them, it doesn’t work for everyone.

Whether you use dietary supplements that have CBD in them, or you take it in another way, it is important that you always consult with doctors first to ensure that you are able to take it. After your doctor gives you the green light, you can look for ways to get a Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Card Online or offline for that matter, depending on the state where you live. With a medical marijuana card, you can access a wide range of cannabis-related products designed specifically for therapeutic purposes.

People who are suffering from chronic pain daily and want to find ways of treating their pain to give them a better lease on life, still have to be careful.

Treating pain in people is always going to be a guess until a combination or type is figured out for the benefit of the patient, so don’t get disheartened if you do not get relief right away, there are a variety of other medications out there that can help you.

It May Help With Cancer-Related Pain

Cancer pain is incredibly harsh on the body. People who have to go through cancer treatment can feel a lot of pain and sickness due to the cocktail of drugs they have to take to fight off the disease.

Studies have been done in relation to cancer pain and different CBD products to see if they can help with alleviating some of the pain and nausea people are experiencing.

It showed that the results are mixed.

Some people have found that it has impacted them a lot more than their normal medication if it is mixed with the THC compound, but further tests need to be done to determine if it really is a better way.

It May Relieve Different Kinds of Pain

Whatever type of pain you may have, whether it is arthritis pain or pain from a spinal cord injury, people have said that they have been able to find a lot of relief using CBD products.

Neuropathic Pain

This type of pain is about damage to the nerves. Neuropathic pain is common in people who have diseases such as multiple sclerosis, infections like shingles, and injuries.

Whilst a study conducted in 2017 said that CBD has helped with chronic neuropathic pain, a 2018 review said that its negatives might just outweigh the benefits that people are saying.


Applying a CBD gel to the affected joints may just be the thing that can benefit people who are suffering from this kind of pain. There has been some evidence to suggest that using CBD oils can help reduce inflammatory pain by changing the way pain receptors react to stimuli. If you’re interested in trying this method out, you can speak to a medical professional. CBD oils generally have different concentrations. You can see the range of choices here, and decide which one you want to try.

Not many human studies have been done. Rats were given the gel for about 4 days, and the results showed that there was a drop in their inflammation without any noticeable side effects.

It May Help People With Mental Health Disorders

The health benefits of DBD on the human body do not just start and end with pain relief, it can also have an impact on people’s mental health as well.

You may have heard that those who smoke marijuana or take edibles with cannabis in them will feel a lot more relaxed and calm due to the compounds, so it would be understandable that one of the derivatives will also have a similar effect.

Anxiety Disorders

People who deal with anxiety and stress in their everyday life can find it very hard to go about their day without feeling some effects of their anxiety impacting their day-to-day.

People with severe mental health disorders may be given a variety of medications to support them, however, many do have side effects that can cause them quite a few issues ranging from agitation to sexual dysfunction.

Using CBD is seen as a more natural approach that can help them remain calm without having the full-on effects of other medications.

It has also been used to aid people in sleeping especially if they have anxiety-induced insomnia.


Those who deal with depression may also find that using CBD can be beneficial to them as well, although, not many clinical trials and studies have been done about the link between using anti-depressants and CBD.

What Are Some Side Effects of CBD?

You can’t have the positive without the negative, so it is essential that you be aware of the negatives that can come along with using CBD products.

You will need to take all of these into account before you make a decision.

  • Fatigue
  • Changes in weight
  • Changes in appetite
  • Diarrhea

You may get some of these side effects if you are combining them with other medications, which is why speaking to your doctor beforehand is important.

They will be able to tell you if you can take CBD at the same time or if only one will help you.

Not all CBD products are created equally. There are low-market ones out there that do not have the same amounts in them.

You should never buy from people who you have not vetted first.

Always buy from a reputable company and do your research.

These side effects may just be temporary as your body gets used to the change, but if you start to notice a serious difference then you will need to flag that up to ensure that you are not consistently putting yourself in harm’s way.


So, does CBD reduce inflammation or just pain? Well, as you can see, it has an effect on both of these within your body.

Even though CBD has been around for a while and an increasing amount of people are now using it, there are still not many studies and trials being done.

That may change as the years go on with scientists and medical professionals testing different scenarios and combinations to help people, but it will, for now at least, remain a hotly debated drug that has people on both sides waiting to learn more.